Has a communication degree from Richmond University, London.
Directing Omni Group’s Aviation Business.
Leading gases division and fast moving consumer goods.
Nitrogen is colorless, odorless, tasteless, nontoxic, inert and represents 78.08 percent of the atmosphere. Nitrogen is nonflammable and does not support combustion.
Argon is a highly inert nonflammable gas of the atmosphere, forms no chemical compounds and dissolves slightly when mixed with water. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless and nontoxic.
Helium is the lightest element after hydrogen, and represents only 5 ppm of the atmosphere. It is a nonflammable and nontoxic gas. Helium is inert to chemical reactions and radiations.
Helium is the lightest element after hydrogen, and represents only 5 ppm of the atmosphere. It is a nonflammable and nontoxic gas. Helium is inert to chemical reactions and radiations.
Acetylene is a compound of carbon and hydrogen. It is a colorless, highly flammable gas and slightly lighter than air. Acetylene of 100 percent purity is odorless, but the commercial purity generated from calcium carbide has a distinctive, garlic like odor.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles and increasingly replacing chlorofluorocarbons as an aerosol propellant and a refrigerant to reduce damage to the ozone layer.
Air is the natural atmosphere of the earth, a nonflammable, colorless, odorless gas that consists of a mixture of gaseous elements (with argon, water vapor, a small amount of carbon dioxide, and traces of many other constitutes).
Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, flammable and nontoxic gas. It is the lightest element and can be found in the atmosphere with the concentration of about 0.5 ppm. The gas burns in air with an almost invisible light blue color.